The 7 Chakras are energy centres in a human body that power a person’s life force. They start at the base of your spine and go up in a line to the very top of your head. To have unbalanced chakras can impact negatively on your overall health and wellbeing, and this is becoming more and more common due to the stressful world we now live in.
Imagine a stream flowing from the top of a mountain down to the bottom. If a large rock falls into the stream it becomes blocked, and the water flows off its natural course. This is a resemblance to how the Chakras work, and the flowing water mirrors the flow of energy through the Chakras in the body. Stress, anxiety, illness and heartbreak are all examples of what can be the rock blocking your energy flow.
To unblock your Chakras, you first need to identify the cause of the blockage. With meditation, positive affirmations and Chakra crystals, you can then start to focus on positive thoughts and let go of any negativity holding you back. Chakra crystals will aid you in your concentration during meditation and help the energy to flow smoothly.
Crafted in recycled sterling silver, with either a yellow gold plating or platinum plating, and featuring stunning nano crystals/ cubic zirconia stones, these pendants feature beautiful representations of the Chakra symbols on one side and a stunning colour representation of the Chakra on the other. You choose which way you would like to wear the pendant, and with an extendable chain length of 41cm-46cm you can layer your Chakras according to your needs.
- The Root Chakra (P5263) – Red in Colour
Located at the base of the spine, this Chakra grounds you to the Earth. With this Chakra balanced, you will feel a deep sense of peace and healing can begin.
- The Sacral Chakra (P5266) – Orange in Colour
Located in the pelvic region just below the belly button, this Chakra is all about enjoying your time here on earth. With this Chakra balanced your creativity will flow and you will be able to enjoy the finer things in life without overindulgence.
- The Solar Plexus Chakra (P5261) – Yellow in Colour
Located in your stomach, just above your belly button, this Chakra supports your bravery and boundary setting. Your gut instincts and fight or flight responses come from here. With this Chakra balanced, you will have high self-esteem and self-worth.
- The Heart Chakra (P5264) – Green in Colour
Located in the centre of the chest, this Chakra is the source of all love and compassion you feel. When this Chakra is balanced, you will feel love and empathy for yourself and others.
- The Throat Chakra (P5265) – Sky Blue in Colour
Located in the centre of the throat, this Chakra is one of truth and self-expression. When this Chakra is balanced you will be able to speak up for yourself and tell your personal truths clearly, such as beliefs, preferences and values.
- The Third Eye Chakra (P5262) – Deep Blue in Colour
Located between the eyebrows, this Chakra represents the third eye and opens you up to other states of consciousness to expand your knowledge beyond the physical world you live in. This is where intuition and psychic abilities are sourced. With this Chakra balanced you will feel in tune with both the physical and spiritual planes.
- The Crown Chakra (P5260) – Purple in Colour
Located at the very top of your head, this Chakra represents consciousness and your connection to the Universe. The concept of this Chakra is that everything is connected through the same lifeforce energy, from humans to animals to stars and beyond. It is your connection to what you believe to be the higher consciousness, such as God. Whilst this Chakra is the hardest to balance, you will attain an enlightened state if you achieve it; Buddhist culture has named this Nirvana.